[TYPO3-core] RFC: #14375: Rewrite of the debug panel (More Features!, More Stability!, More Usability!)

Stefan Galinski sgalinski at df.eu
Wed May 12 22:37:18 CEST 2010


This is a SVN patch request.

Type: Tweak

BT reference: http://bugs.typo3.org/view.php?id=14375

Branches: trunk

The current implementation of the debug panel/console wasn't feature 
complete respectivly stable enough for the final TYPO3 version.

Pimp that stuff!

New Features:

* API for easy usage
* Context Menu with several closing options (implemented as a generic ux 
plugin for the tabPanel component)
* Drag&Drop
* Grouping of Tabs
* Support for your mouse wheel
   * Middle click on a tab closes it
   * Using your wheel can be used to navigate in the horizontal (much tabs 

* Resizing issues
* JS error in t3lib_div::debug

How To Test:
Install the "Make Wrong" extension (see bugtracker entry) from Steffen 
Kamper and try it out! 

Stefan Galinski
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