[TYPO3-core] RFC #14336: Merge modules "Cleanup and typo3temp/" of the Install Tool

Lars Houmark lars at houmark.com
Mon May 10 01:54:51 CEST 2010

Hi Steffen,

Steffen Gebert wrote:
> Problem:
> Modules "Cleanup" and "typo3temp/" have a very similar (and IMHO almost
> useless) functionality, which should be merged into one single
> cleanup-module
> Solution:
> Merge them

Nice work! +1 after reading and testing. Makes complete sense to merge 
them into the same module.

Nitpick/Question: Should "Clean up" maybe be written as "Clean Up" in 
the menu? All the other menu items in that menu uses capitalization on 
each word. Also on line 77 of the path you have it as one word "Cleanup" 
(though I did not find this outputted anywhere?).

Creme de la creme would be to add some flash messages on (un)successful 
delete, but I guess that's also for another RFC. The text for 
confirmation is positioned in the middle of everything, which probably 
could make some newbies miss it.

Lars Houmark

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