[TYPO3-core] RFC #14324: Feature: Add spriteGeneratorAPI to support the new sprite-icon-api

Steffen Ritter info at rs-websystems.de
Thu May 6 22:30:47 CEST 2010

This is an SVN patch request.

Type: Code cleanup

Bugtracker references: http://bugs.typo3.org/view.php?id=14324

Branches: trunk

sprite-icon-api is now included in beta2. In short the task of this api 
ist to "replace" t3lib_iconWorks::skinImg for showing Icons in the 
backend, ass css-class with background.
As sprite api works with css classes beside of image-Tags (likeskinImg) 
this will fail as long the icon is not included in the BE-stylesheet.
Easiest example: The record icons of extension tables. List-Module would 
build them via spriteApi, but core-stylesheets cannot have css 
definitions for extension icons.
Therefore, there has to be another API which handles icons building 
sprites in TYPO3.
In the current sprite-icon-api I solved the problem with an temporary 
helper function buildTcaSpriteIcons, which builds an stylesheet-file for 
all tca-table-record icons and registers them as "usuable" in the 
sprite-icon-api. There, no sprite is generated but every icon is loaded 
as single background-image.
In long term there has to be concept / handler to make this transparent 
and which might be able to auto generate sprite-files and additionally 
allows extension developers to register icons for use in the icon-api, 
so that, their be modules might be skinned to.
Since there has been a very long discussion about "should we generate 
sprites", "should they be static", "sprites at all", "how many sprites 
should we have" etc. this concept has to be very flexible.
So with Benni I thought about an concept, which could be implemented 
fast enough for 4.4, would allow enough flexibility to fullfill all 
wishes arised in the discussions.


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