[TYPO3-core] RFC: #13797: Move checkbox "secondary options" to users module

Jörg Klein joerg at klein-family.com
Wed May 5 14:08:28 CEST 2010

Hi Lars,

"Lars Houmark" <lars at houmark.com> schrieb im Newsbeitrag 
news:mailman.1.1273059059.12945.typo3-team-core at lists.typo3.org...
> Jörg Klein wrote:
>> thanks for the vote!
>> A review by a core dev is still missing...
> No, I think currently 2 core +1's is missing (or maybe 3 if you count 
> the -1 from Joey), since Ernesto gave a -1.

Ernesto's -1 was valid for the first patch by Georg.

However, my version responds to this -1. It uses a completely different 
approach, which especially takes Joeys criticisms (moving the checkbox to 
another module is no good idea in regards to workflow) into account.
As you see my patch does no longer move this checkbox somewhere else; 
instead it fixes exactly this shortcoming.
Since Ernesto's -1 was based on the workflow argument, I don't think this -1 
is valid for my version of the patch.

However, any review by a Core Dev would already be cool...


PS: If you really want to offset all positive and negative votes for all 
different solutions, no matter if what they do is comparable or not, you 
also have to take Susanne's +1 into account. So exactly one Core Dev vote 
would be missing now... ;-) 

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