[TYPO3-core] RFC #14185: Bug: In TCA (tt_content) the fe_groups field is not placed correctly under the Access Tab

Lars Houmark lars at houmark.com
Mon May 3 03:21:49 CEST 2010


This is a SVN patch request.

Type: Bugfix (almost no-brainer)

BT reference: http://bugs.typo3.org/view.php?id=14185

Branches: trunk, 4.3

Problem: Since tabs were introduced, also a problem with the fe_group 
field was. When some extension adds another tab to a CE, the fe_group 
field will also be on the last tab, which belongs to that extension, 
instead of being on the 'Access' tab which is normally the last tab.

Solution: Remove the dirty way the fe_group was added to the mainpalette 
and add the fe_group field to all Content Elements.

How to test:

- Install attached extension T3X_mainpalettetest.t3x
- Go to any content element and see that the fe_group field is located 
on the last tab, which was created by the extension
- Apply the patch
- Clear all caches
- Go to any content element and see that the fe_group is now correctly 
located on 'Access' tab

Notes: This problem was discovered and the patch was done by Peter 
Klein. All I did was testing it, and created an unified diff against 
current trunk - and presented it to this list :)

Therefore also my +1 on reading and testing :)

Other notes: The 'table' element TCA is overridden in 
css_styled_content/ext_tables.php, and because of that needs to be 
adjusted accordingly. Same goes with felogin.

The patch should apply to both trunk, and the 4.3 branch with a minor 

Lars Houmark

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