[TYPO3-core] RFC #14255: Don't remove the Navigation title on shortcuts page

Susanne Moog info at susannemoog.de
Sat May 1 16:16:15 CEST 2010

On 01.05.2010 16:02, Benjamin Mack wrote:
> On 01.05.10 15:59, Steffen Gebert wrote:
>> RFC dropped. Instead we should fix HMENU to not use nav_title.
> Hey,
> I disagree here. I have an extension that enables "nav_title" on
> Shortcuts and external pages.
> HMENU *should* use nav_title all the time, because that's why it's used
> for!

Shortcuts normally don't need the nav_title field as they aren't
normally displayed as page, so you can adjust the page title to match
what you want to have in the navigation. The problem is that if the
patch was a normal page before and had a nav_title set and you change it
to a shortcut HMENU will always use the nav_title (as it's probably
defined as nav_title // title) although it is not available for the

This shows another bug entirely as TYPO3 should "clear" fields not
belonging to the current type instead of using "hidden" values.

Do you have a use case where you are using page title and nav_title of a
shortcut page for different things? If so, I'd say the patch is ok, if
not, please don't clutter the interface just because of underlying bugs
in data handling.


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