[TYPO3-core] FYI48: #11839: t3editor doesn't have an API for using at other places

Tobias Liebig mail_typo3 at etobi.de
Sat Mar 27 22:10:21 CET 2010

This is an SVN patch request.


Bugtracker references:


It makes much sense to use the t3editor at other places, eg:
* templates module
* templavoila xml view and others
* extensions like typoscriptce
* fileadmin

- rewrite the t3editor class / API.
- introduce hooks and custom javascript events
   - e.g. you can now listen to a js-event to handle the code saving
- update the codemirror to the most recent version

i rewrote the t3editor API and update the used codemirror library to 0.66.
i needed to update the codemirror lib to make use of the new codemirror 
options and get rid of the "hacks" within the codemirror code.
I still need to check the bugtracker and double-check the open issues if 
they are solved by this update.

While rewriting the class.t3editor.php and splitting it up into two 
separated files, i completely restructured the files and folders and 
move around several files within the t3editor. Thus the attached patch 
is very large.
If you want detailed information about the changes, do not hesitate to 
drop me a note.

Note II:
Thanks Steffen Kamper for reporting and your patience. I know you're 
waiting long for this change..

Note III:
i'm going to commit in 48 h, if no one complains

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