[TYPO3-core] RFC #13677: Bug: margin-bottom on single image [css styled content]

Susanne Moog typo3 at susannemoog.de
Sat Mar 27 20:44:30 CET 2010


Am 27.03.2010 19:21, schrieb Jigal van Hemert:
> A general question about image handling by css-styled content:
> imageStdWrap.dataWrap = <div class="csc-textpic-imagewrap
> csc-textpic-single-image" style="width:{register:totalwidth}px;"> | </div>
> Isn't it possible display the images without inline styling? Web
> guidelines in many countries (mandatory for at least all government
> websites) do not like the use of inline styles.

the problem would be to generate the CSS for the cases where for example
the width is needed to center the image. As the width of the image can
be different for each image inserted you'd have to calculate it on a per
content element base and write to style tags (possibly using the content
element id as prefix).
So there would be quite a bit of rewriting necessary. I'd say if someone
has time and energy to do it: go ahead.

In case you have a single website where you don't need them just get rid
of them via typoscript. As for the cited line above: this one inserts
the width only when necessary in other cases the other one
(imageStdWrapNoWidth.wrap = <div class="csc-textpic-imagewrap
csc-textpic-single-image"> | </div>) is used (as Ernesto kindly
explained for me yesterday ;)).

We can discuss this further on the dev list if you want to, for now
please let's get this bug fixed :)

Best regards,


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