[TYPO3-core] RFC #14808 tceforms.js slows down performance of IE dramatically

JoH asenau info at cybercraft.de
Mon Jun 21 17:15:09 CEST 2010

This is an SVN patch request.

Type: Bugfix/Code Cleanup

Bugtracker references:

TYPO3_4-3 & trunk

The datepickers and resizable/flexible textareas added by tceform.js take 30+ seconds to get rendered in IE6. (VBox, 1CPU, 2GHz)

CPU load goes up to 100% and stays there blocking the whole system.

I didn't measure the exact values in milliseconds but with the attached patch the CPU load will drop to average about 4 times faster.

The new version is just making more specific selects to get the input fields (datepicker) and textareas (resizable) and uses the "next" selector for the datepicker to avoid the whole code being searched again.

This is not a real blocker because the system will work if you just wait long enough, so I just marked it major.
But in fact the BE will not be useable at all unless you like waiting in front of the screen.

Since tceforms.js has been available for 4.3 I guess the patch will apply there as well.



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