[TYPO3-core] RFC: #14721: Flexform sections are unstyled and look weird

Jeff Segars jsegars at alumni.rice.edu
Mon Jun 21 15:41:07 CEST 2010

On 6/21/10 3:19 AM, Steffen Kamper wrote:
> Hi,
> this one is still valid, the sections look like my first screenshot.
> So i adjusted the patch to the current situation, now it looks like the
> attached screenshot. Please test, use the media CE for testing.
> vg Steffen

+1 on reading and testing.  Looks much better than before!

I do have a few small comments, but they don't affect the overall +1...

* .flexform-section-toggle includes a rule with 0px (instead of just 0)
* On line 31 of the patch, there's an inline style when there's already 
a class of flexform-section-addNew.  Would be nice to move it all to the 
* I think a light border around each section element (see IRRE for an 
example) would help set them apart from the parent element (and in 
general, I think keeping the styling of sections and IRRE as similar as 
possible is good for users since they function very similarly)


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