[TYPO3-core] RFC #5020: Use better rewrite rules in .htaccess

Xavier Perseguers typo3 at perseguers.ch
Sat Jun 19 10:43:10 CEST 2010


> Problem:
> The rewrite rules are more complicated than they need to be. This will
> affect the loading speed of any site (citation and measurements needed).
> Solution:
> Rule 1:
> - - Never rewrite 'static' resources. That would be silly right? If a
> certain request exists as an actual file on the filesystem: serve the file.
> Rule 2
> - - Rewrite everything else.
> Rule 3
> - - wrap the rewrite stuff with an<ifModule>  to avoid 500 errors.

+1 by reading and testing.

> Ship with this .htaccess enabled by default since it is safe and sane.

Won't work as this is a hidden file on many systems. It has to be 
manually renamed e.g., when transfered with most FTP clients using 
standard configuration.

Xavier Perseguers

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