[TYPO3-core] RFC #14719: Automatically create ENABLE_INSTALL_TOOL file when 1-2-3 Install Tool is used

Helmut Hummel helmut at typo3.org
Fri Jun 18 23:01:10 CEST 2010

Hi François,

On 18.06.10 21:44, François Suter wrote:
>>> It would endanger all the work there has been done on the
>>> Introduction Package.
>> As I mentioned, I don't agree with this drastic point of view.
>> A first time user who isn't able to create a file, will not be able to
>> do any thing usefull with TYPO3 imho.
> I must say that I understand Ben's point of view. The whole point of the
> Introduction Package is to have a first install that's as smooth as
> possible.

I think, that having a introduction package is a cool thing and the need
of creating a file during the installation process does not mean all the
work done for it is useless at all.

> 1) there have been mentions of a FIRST_INSTALL file. This could very
> well exist only in the Introduction Package and not in the source
> archive, nor the normal dummy.

This would of course be OK, it would mean that there is no change to the
current status.

> 2) a very simple improvement would be to just change that "install tool
> locked" message to make it nicer to users. It could politely request for
> the ENABLE_INSTALL_TOOL file to be created and explain that this is a
> basic but important security measure.

Did you look at how the message looks like currently? It is indeed very
nice, not the "an error occured" style it was before.

Regards Helmut

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