[TYPO3-core] RFC #14719: Automatically create ENABLE_INSTALL_TOOL file when 1-2-3 Install Tool is used

Jeff Segars jsegars at alumni.rice.edu
Wed Jun 16 22:20:05 CEST 2010

On 6/14/10 12:06 PM, Jeff Segars wrote:
> Hey guys,
> This is a SVN patch request.
> Type: (mini) Feature, Usability
> Bugtracker Reference: http://bugs.typo3.org/view.php?id=14719
> Branches: Trunk
> Problem:
> When a new user first installs TYPO3, they must create the
> ENABLE_INSTALL_TOOL file before installation can continue. For a
> friendlier first install, it would be nice to automatically create the
> file and go directly to the 1-2-3 Install Tool
> Solution:
> Just before tslib_fe redirects to the 1-2-3 Install Tool, we can create
> the missing ENABLE_INSTALL_TOOL file.
> Additional Notes:
> * This file will be created anytime there's a redirect to the 1-2-3
> Install Tool and not just on initial install. In practice, this should
> only happen for the initial install but there's no check to prevent it
> at other times if the db connection info is missing (if anyone thinks
> this a problem).
> * typo3/install/index.php handles the check for the ENABLE_INSTALL_TOOL
> file and the rest of TYPO3 is not yet initialized at this point so that
> forces us to create the file as part of the tslib_fe redirect or do a
> more complex rework of typo3/install/index.php.
> Thanks,
> Jeff

After talking it over with Ben, here's v2 of the patch that takes 
Philipp's idea and Steffen's original idea into account and also 
addresses the security issues.

If typo3conf/FIRST_INSTALL is present, we immediately delete it and 
create typo3conf/ENABLE_INSTALL_TOOL. If the file is not present or 
could not be deleted, then we do not create ENABLE_INSTALL_TOOL and the 
normal lock message is shown.

Any thoughts?

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