[TYPO3-core] RFC #14719: Automatically create ENABLE_INSTALL_TOOL file when 1-2-3 Install Tool is used

Jeff Segars jsegars at alumni.rice.edu
Wed Jun 16 15:43:41 CEST 2010

On 6/15/10 9:52 AM, Ernesto Baschny [cron IT] wrote:
> Many PHP web applications require the user to do some "file-system"
> action on the server before installing it, just to "prove" that this is
> "his environment".
> So I don't really think it is that user-unfriendly, as the user is then
> from start aware of this file and its importance.
> What we could do is make this "necessary step" more integrated in the
> 1-2-3 wizard, so that the "first step" is something like "now go create
> a file named typo3conf/ENABLE_INSTALL_TOOL on the server", instead of
> scaring error messages ("The Install Tool is locked" etc...).

Maybe sometime like this is a good compromise.  The Install Tool check 
currently lives in typo3/install/index.php before the real Install Tool 
functionality is initialized.

We would either need to have 2 separate error messages in this file 
based on the normal Install Tool vs. 123 Install Tool or move the check 
for the file deeper inside the Install Tool functionality.

Any thoughts?


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