[TYPO3-core] RFC #14729: Backwards compatibility brocken by disabled deprecation log
Patrick Gaumond
gaumondpatrick at hotmail-no-spam.com
Tue Jun 15 17:16:28 CEST 2010
On 2010-06-15 07:30, Ingo Renner wrote:
> Type: Bugfix / New feature
> Bugtracker references:
> http://bugs.typo3.org/view.php?id=14729
> Branches:
> trunk
4.5 ;-)
Here's my reasoning:
It's ok to enable Deprecation Log (DL) in Alphas, Betas and maybe RC but
I would not let a setting that slow down TYPO3 by default in a final
I thought there was some unwritten rule "Fast by default" for TYPO3 and
we know the DL slow down TYPO3.
Providing a warning and error in the Reports Module (RM) is a great way
to let Admins know that something isn't right in their installation but
right now the RM isn't show by default to Admins so the warnings are
also hidden by default... Not good.
So I would say
1) Wait until Report Module is showed by default if an error or warning
is found in his reports (maybe not realistic since it would mean every
Admin login fire up the whole checks in RM?)
2) Wait until Report Module is modified to sends email when triggers
included in this patch are fired up.
> When these APIs are going to be removed eventually with a later release,
> these users may experience crashes and fatal errors which could have
> been avoided if they had seen the deprecation log messages. This is bad
> in regards of user experience.
Right now they will never see those messages. That's my point.
Deprecation Log is "hidden" as a file and the Report Module messages too.
> Thus when not indicating use of these APIs to users
> and developers, disabling the deprecation log is like throwing over
> board our responsibility for backwards compatibility we have been so
> proud of the last years.
User will not see them. People using Alpha and Beta are by definition
more tech-savy so for them it's ok to enable DL. We are still providing
the function, my point is really just for the final release it makes no
> Depending on the size of the log file the status will be OK for disabled
> deprecation log, NOTICE for enabled deprecation log, WARNING for 10MB+,
> and ERROR for 100MB+
Feel it's a bit large already. I would lower to 1MB and 10MB for error
but that's a tiny detail.
So I would say +1 for the report itself (and maybe lower the triggers to
1MB and 10MB for error status), BUT -1 for enabling Deprecation Log in
official releases as long as Reports Module is a bit more "in your face"
before introducing functions that slow down TYPO3 by default.
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