[TYPO3-core] RFC #14723: JS errors block RTE usage in IE6 and IE7

Stanislas Rolland typo3 at sjbr.ca
Tue Jun 15 10:42:45 CEST 2010

Hi Joey,
> After these modifications IE6 and IE7 will be buggy again.
Please test it.

> The problem is that they must not "see" iframe.contentDocument.documentElement because this will throw an error message: "null or not an object"
They will not because the first part of the AND operation will fail, 
therefore the second part will not be evalusated.

> Since I can't see much difference for Safari between
> else if (Ext.isWebKit&&  (!iframe.contentDocument.documentElement || !iframe.contentDocument.body)) {
>      this.initializeIframe.defer(50, this);
> }
> and
> else if (Ext.isWebKit) {
>      if (!iframe.contentDocument.documentElement || !iframe.contentDocument.body)) {
>          this.initializeIframe.defer(50, this);
>      }
> }
The difference is that, after the document becomes accessible, in the 
first case, WebKit browser will do nothing, while in the second, it will 
proceed with the initialization process.
> I guess the Safari problem must have been there without my patch as well.
No, it wasn't.


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