[TYPO3-core] RFC #14236: logging into the Install Tool gives an alert

Jeff Segars jsegars at alumni.rice.edu
Mon Jun 14 06:12:54 CEST 2010

On 6/9/10 1:05 AM, Steffen Gebert wrote:
> Am 31.05.2010, 00:27 Uhr, schrieb Benjamin Mack <benni at typo3.org>:
>> Don't worry, even if this one doesn't make it in beta3, we'll include
>> it in 4.4.
> We're close to RC now.. I'd prefer v1, which always shows the password
> hint, as this doesn't expose usage of joh316.
> Steffen

The only thing that bothers me with v1 is losing the message about 
cookies, but its certainly simpler than the other options discussed.

The patch has one unnecessary hunk that does not apply so I've removed 
that and also moved the default password text a little earlier in the 
flash message where it feels more logical to me.

Here's my +1 on reading and testing for the specifics if Benni is OK 
with the overall functionality.

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