[TYPO3-core] RFC #14636: Improvements to new Backend skin

Helmut Hummel helmut at typo3.org
Sat Jun 12 00:41:49 CEST 2010


Btw.: I did not test until now because applying 9! patches for one thing
is no fun, so thanks for the one patch.

On 11.06.10 23:36, Steffen Gebert wrote:
>> All icons are "messed up". I guess the sprites are misplaced ...
> Uhm.. worked for me, after extracing v2_icons.zip

I also needed to remove the browser cache _and_ restart the browser.
Then it worked.

> Solution:
> * sprites: fixing some missing icons, some better icons, e.g. making
> hide/unhide icons consistent

I do not like the hide/unhide change. Now it's harder the ever to see if
the element is hidden ore not.

> * extjs: ExtJS skin

Is it used anywhere else than the recycler?

> * install: Install Tool

Only minor changes right? Looks good so far.

> * csh: Context sensitive help

Fixes the issue with the csh above the pagetree. Looks good.

Still not working well if the chs icon is near the bottom of the
viewport (like the csh for the search below the content). But this also
does not work in 4.3.

This is especially annoying because the appearing scrollbar reduces the
width of the viewport, wich can cause "jumping" csh help.

> * clickmenu: Background white

This looks nicer this way.

> * list module: line height normal/extended view, half empty line in
> single-table view

Looks good.

> * tree: removed margin right to have highlight till to the right,


> removed margin of docheader symbol

Hm, which margin?

> * pagemodule: Reduced visibilitiy of hidden CEs

Generally a good idea, but now it's hardly readable if not hovered.

Last but not least some comments to the TCE Form changes:

While I find the new layout much more clear, the bright white background
seems somehow "unstyled" (at least in my eyes).

Also the divider between fields looks the same as the divider between
field groups.

I'd say good direction, but can be improved.

Regads Helmut

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