[TYPO3-core] RFC: #13818: tcemain versionSwap might break pages_language_overlay relations

François Suter fsu-lists at cobweb.ch
Fri Jun 4 11:31:06 CEST 2010


> So this seems to be ready to commit, when the committer removes the
> space before the last closing bracket.
> Susanne, do you take care?

Bumping this issue again. Susanne, could you take care of the commit, 
since you reviewed the patch and there are enough other positive votes?

BTW the RFC mentions "Trunk", but this should be applied to 4.3 too, as 
this was when the regression was introduced.

Thanks in advance


Francois Suter
Cobweb Development Sarl - http://www.cobweb.ch

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