[TYPO3-core] RFC 15258: Creating multiple pages doesn't consider the group permissions for all pages

Steffen Kamper info at sk-typo3.de
Sat Jul 31 13:36:01 CEST 2010

Hi Helmut,

Helmut Hummel schrieb:
> I disagree here. This is the case when you create multiple pages with
> the "Functions" module, but tcemain is a general class, so you can
> provide a datamap array with the intention to create multiple nested
> pages. $old_pid_value would be correct for the check, if the to be
> created page is a subpage of the previously created page.
> Find attached another solution to this problem, which does the following:
> 1. Set $old_pid_value only if the to be created page should be created
> inside of the previously created page.
> This can be easily checked, because if the page shall be created after a
> page, the pid is "negative". Otherwise the pid is "positive".
> 2. Set the "real pid" in this case, which is in
> $this->substNEWwithIDs[$pid_value]

i think you're right here, thx for your analysis. True, i was irretated 
with the for-loop on one level, but the data could hold several pids.

Just to mention: it only makes a difference if you create a page with 
own tsConfig having TCEMAIN.permissions, then the TS changes for the 
subpages/subrecords of this page. A bit hypothetic, but a possible case.

So +1 on reading and testing of your variant.

vg Steffen

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