[TYPO3-core] RFC 15286 : Feature: Deactivating the cache menu for admins

Stefan Sprenger stefan.sprenger at dkd.de
Thu Jul 29 14:57:28 CEST 2010

Hi Christian,

thanks for your feedback!

By using XCLASS I may improve the mentioned database queries and fix the issue, but, as you wrote, the code will depend on the currently used database, which is IMHO a no-go.

Furthermore, I think, that this feature is needed for every large TYPO3 installation. Based on this, I'd be happy, if it gets part of the TYPO3 core.

Best regards


Am 29.07.2010 um 14:35 schrieb Christian Müller [kitsunet]:

> +1 by reading,
> but why don't you XCLASS t3lib_tcemain and change the biggest performance problems that occur due to deleting row by row instead of using TRUNCATE or similar for other DB systems (in core clearly its to not depend on special DB features, but in a project big enough to have these issues you probably already decided on the DB of your choice and could do it).
> Be regards,
> Christian
> On 29.07.2010 13:15, Stefan Sprenger wrote:
>> Problem:
>> Clearing the whole page cache on large websites will cause massive performance issues.
>> Because of this, clearing the cache is deactived for regular users by default.
>> Nonetheless, all admins can clear the cache and there is no possibility to control this behavior.
>> By default, cache clearing should be available for admins but it should also be possible to deactive it by using the same TSConfig options as for regular users (options.clearCache.all=0 and/or options.clearCache.pages=0).
>> Solution:
>> If the current user is an admin I check, if the TSConfig options concerning the caches, equal anything but 0. So, by default admins are able to clear caches.
>> Only if the options equal 0, the respective admin can't clear caches.


Stefan Sprenger

d.k.d Internet Service GmbH
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