[TYPO3-core] RFC: #15278: imagefile_ext is used too restrictive

Dmitry Dulepov dmitry at typo3.org
Thu Jul 29 11:21:18 CEST 2010


Georg Ringer wrote:
> Am 29.07.2010 10:39, schrieb Dmitry Dulepov:
>> This behavior is correct. The description of "imagefile_ext" is: "Commalist
>> of file extensions perceived as images by TYPO3". Therefore if extension is
>> not in this setting, it is not an image.
> So it is a bug that "<img src="" width="" height="" /> is rendered as it
> isn't an image?

I think the bug is that <img> tag is rendered with empty values. I would
expect a warning in Admin panel and no IMAGE output at all in this case. I
expect the same problem will happen if the file simply does not exist.

>> Sadly I have to give -1 for pure formal reasons. I recognize the problem
>> you faced and I agree that it *is* a problem. 
> But what can the solution be? In my case editors are limited to pngs?

I would use typo3conf/extTables.php + adjustment of image fields in
TCEforms to 'png' but this is hard to maintain with newly installed extensions.

> Should I now set the limitation manually in TCA for dam & co as there is
> now no chance to usw gifs in the template?

I would change the description of imagefile_ext in config_default.php. The
idea is tell what this setting does precisely. Your patch makes a good fix
for the problem but it also needs to adjust config_default.php. This is ok
with me, so if no one gives -1, we can pass with that.

I want to prevent another "hidden knowledge" that this settings applies to
X but not to Y while it says "all". We should not have such hidden
knowledge. In hald a year somebody will see that as a bug and try to fix it
bringing imagefile_ext back to stdGraphics. So we'd better have a good
description of imagefile_ext.

Dmitry Dulepov
TYPO3 core&security team member
Twitter: http://twitter.com/dmitryd
Read more @ http://dmitry-dulepov.com/

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