[TYPO3-core] RFC: #14946: Switching workplaces causes nesting of BE

Andreas Kiessling kiessling at pluspol.info
Tue Jul 27 15:10:28 CEST 2010

Hi Steffen,

thanks for your patch. It basically works, but there is still a problem 
with modules, that are bound to specific workspaces:

A backend module can be configured to be available in online, offline 
and custom workspaces ($MCONF['workspaces']). I have not encountered a 
lot of extensions that set this conf option and so the modules are 
available in all workspaces. When no page module is available, there is 
no backend refresh and so the main content area stays but can not be 
used if the module is not available for the workspace. Refreshing the 
frame manually gives a "This module "xyz" is not available under the 
current workspace".

I guess, the available modules in the selected modules would need to be 
checked, and if the current module is not available, you should be 
redirected to "the first" available.

I'd like to see your patch in 4.4.1 and since my scenario is probably 
very unlikely, you have my +1 by reading and testing.

Please also have a look at #15014 (Switch workspace no reload pages 
frame with IE ). It is not directly related to this error, but also very 
annoying in IE.


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