[TYPO3-core] RFC #15045: Trailing newlines after php closing tag.

Andreas Lappe nd at off-pist.de
Thu Jul 8 14:50:59 CEST 2010

On  8.07.10, Steffen Kamper wrote:
> Nikolas Hagelstein schrieb:
> >Am 08.07.2010 14:25, schrieb Steffen Kamper:
> >>as this is a whitspace cleanup it doesn't matter. My Zend also automatic
> >>deletes trailing whitespaces by configuration.
> >BTW: is there a faster way to get this kind of cleaup into to core?.
> >There is so much tab between ) {, missing space in front of =,.
> >etc stuff...
> i will do a CGL cleanup seesion soon ;) many files ...

One could write pre-commit-hooks for subversion and only accept the
commit if certain filters do not report problems or post-commit-hooks to
replace trailing whitespaces or such... but I assume pre-commit is
easier to write...

So long
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  Tradition und Protokoll zum Fenster hinaus.´´
                                        -Neal Stephenson

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