[TYPO3-core] RFC #13183: Disable certain Control Icons in the List Module via PageTS/UserTS

Patrick Gaumond gaumondpatrick at hotmail-no-spam.com
Thu Jul 8 05:05:03 CEST 2010

On 2010-07-06 12:20, JoH asenau wrote:
>> Why do we need "show" at all?
>> mod.web_list.recordControls.pages.disableIcons = 1
> Because it's about disabling single icons and "show" is just one of them ;-)
> mod.web_list.recordControls.pages.disableIcons {
>    show = 1
>    blah = 1
>    whatever = 1
> }

My bad. hide and show on the same line made me forget "show" was just an 
icon itself...

Thanks JoH and Sebastian M.


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