[TYPO3-core] RFC #14982: Save and view only working with content and pages

Ingo Schmitt spam at marketing-factory.de
Sat Jul 3 12:46:57 CEST 2010

This is an SVN patch request

Mantis reference: http://bugs.typo3.org/view.php?id=14983
Type: Bugfix
Branches: trunk

The save and view button in the backend is only working on records of 
type tt_content and pages. The normal behavior of the button is to save 
the record and to show the page where the record is saved. In some cases 
the records are stored in sysfolder and therefore TYPO3 is not able to 
display the content.

Add common.table.$table.FePreviewPid as new PageTSconfig for configuring 
the prevewPID and add hook for manipulating the URL, e.g. for adding 
additional parameters for detail-view.
Unittest for the hook is included, see Notes.

The unittest will only work, if bug 0014982 is already patched to core

tt_news and commerce have implemented a working solution for the button, 
but this is done by modifying the _POST request in the Datamap hooks in 

Mit freundlichen Gruessen
Ingo Schmitt                        mailto:is at marketing-factory.de
Marketing Factory Consulting GmbH   http://typo3.marketing-factory.de/
Content Management mit Typo3: Beratung - Schulung - Realisierung
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