[TYPO3-core] RFC: 0013626: Feature: Resolve shortcut for menu state

Steffen Kamper ks at dislabs.de
Sat Feb 27 16:06:17 CET 2010


Benjamin Mack schrieb:
> Hey,
> attached is a patch with better naming of the new method.

+1 by reading

> Overall I like the patch, so you'll get a +1 after reading, but I'm 
> unsure if this method shouldn't go somewhere else (tslib_content, 
> tslib_fe, t3lib_pageSelect, or something like that), because I feel this 
> method could be of greater use than *just* in the menu class.

the function is ok in tslib_menu as it's too specific. It only handle 
doktype 4.

As soon we get more usecases and a more general function we can move it 
to tslib_fe

vg Steffen

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