[TYPO3-core] RFC: #13318: Feature Checkbox to hide system extensions

Benjamin Mack benni at typo3.org
Mon Feb 22 19:28:25 CET 2010

Hey Georg,

just so you know: I consider these RFCs on hold as long as the new EM is 
in the works. I will bring them up again, once the new EM is integrated.

#12186: EM sends Location-header without exit
#13318: Feature Checkbox to hide system extensions
#12841, Menu Update broken in EM when Using translated Backend
#12182: Add some flash messages to EM (part 2)
#12114: Show "loadInFE" in EM details view
#12773: [PHP 5.3] Extension uploads are not possible
#12906: Usability improvements to the extension manager
#12172: EM Extension details, CSH should be in first column

So these RFCs are not "dropped" but kind of "on hold".

All the best,

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