[TYPO3-core] RFC: #11503: HTML5 doctype implementation

Steffen Kamper ks at dislabs.de
Fri Feb 19 18:22:46 CET 2010

Hi Benni,

Benjamin Mack schrieb:
> Hey Steffen,
> and here it is, TYPO3 4.4 is in the works... let's bring that feature 
> out again, as HTML5 is gaining popularity.

i think the most critical part is the inline HTML written in each 
module. You'll find always "<br/>" and this is xhtml, but not compatible 
with HTML5. Only way to fix would be to extract *all* generated HTML to 
templates, or using a constant for this html linebreak. Don't have a 
better idea for now.

vg Steffen

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