[TYPO3-core] RFC: Bug #0013590: felogin adds field felogin_forgotHash to tca but does not add field to database

Fabrizio Branca news at _REMOVETHIS_fabrizio-branca.de
Fri Feb 19 17:59:02 CET 2010

This is an SVN patch request.

Type: Bugfix

Bugtracker references:


Due some shortcut (by reusing the $tempColumns array and adding a field 
afterwards) the field felogin_forgotHash has been added not only to the 
fe_users table but also to the fe_groups table. But the field is not 
added in the ext_tables.sql.
An error occurs when doing a full search in the DB Check module.

I checked the code and it seems that the field felogin_forgotHash is not 
used in the fe_groups table. So best thing would be to remove it from 
tca (instead of adding it to ext_tables.sql)

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