[TYPO3-core] RFC: #13573: [Recycler] Make usage of pageRenderer, move rowExpander to t3lib for possible usage in other scripts

Steffen Kamper ks at dislabs.de
Thu Feb 18 13:09:19 CET 2010


This is an SVN patch request.

Type: bugfix

BT reference: http://bugs.typo3.org/view.php?id=13573

Branches: trunk, 4_3

The recycler does own tags for JS and CSS. This should be included with 
official API (pageRenderer)

The rowExpander is an additional object that can be used in any 
ExtJs-Grid. So move it to t3lib/js/extJs

Also change window.onload event to Ext.onReady - the onload happens too 
early, so it's not sure that all will be available at this point.

vg Steffen
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