[TYPO3-core] RFC #13510 : Feature: Add a Hook to add Sub Categories to the Constant Editor

Francois Suter fsu-lists at cobweb.ch
Thu Feb 11 15:48:55 CET 2010


> Good idea, this feature seems to be undocumented (or I still did not
> find the docu)

Indeed it's not documented. Yet.

It's definitely on my TODO list but I haven't got to it now.

> I think doc_core_tstemplates Chapter
> 2.5(http://typo3.org/documentation/document-library/core-documentation/doc_core_tstemplates/0.0.1/view/2/5/)
> would be the right place. The chapter "Subcategories" should be updated to:

Thanks for your proposal. I'll use it/merge it when I come to that point.

My current idea for now is to make doc_core_tstemplates obsolete, as 
this is really what it is. Most information can be found elsewhere by 
now, except for some like formatting constants for the Constant Editor. 
My plan is to move this information to doc_core_ts and any other unique 
information to other manuals and retire that one. But this will come 
only after I'm done with doc_core_api, to which I give higher priority.

Actually if you want to help make things move faster, grab a copy of the 
latest version of doc_core_ts [1] where I have already moved the chapter 
discussed above and try to merge your proposed changes there. Then send 
me back the document (you may use the change-tracking feature to make it 
more clear what you're doing).



Francois Suter
Cobweb Development Sarl - http://www.cobweb.ch


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