[TYPO3-core] RFC #13467: add getField() function to database API

Felix Oertel post at typo3felix.de
Tue Feb 9 00:33:50 CET 2010


Am 08.02.10 20:59, schrieb Oliver Klee:
> If the code already is there, why not put it into a real unit test?

Did you have a look on the code? ;-) It's far from being considred a 
"unit test". It would even fail, if you do not have a page with pid=0.

I just expirienced that sometimes it's difficult to have people test 
your code, so I thought it would make sense to attach an easy to use 
use-case so people can easily see what's goin' on ...

Of course you are right, unit-tests would definetly make sense and avoid 
a lot of testing, but then we should think about a generic way to build 
this stuff up and use it allover, instead of frickeling (is this even an 
english word? *g*) around ...

Regards, Felix

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