[TYPO3-core] RFC #13467: add getField() function to database API

Felix Oertel post at typo3felix.de
Mon Feb 8 18:35:50 CET 2010

Hi guys,

this is a SVN patch request.

Type: Feature

Bugtracker references: http://bugs.typo3.org/view.php?id=13467

Branches: Trunk

Often some wants to get a single-value, like a name or a label or 
something. We have to getRows() and then care for the resolvement ourself.

I'd like to get a function getField() which returns the value of the 
given field as a string.

build one ;-)

I attached a userFunc-PHP you can use from fileadmin/ to test the new 
exec_SELECTgetField()-function giving you the title of your page 
matching pid=0.

Regards, Felix

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