[TYPO3-core] RFC: #13444: Filemounts are unsorted

Steffen Kamper ks at dislabs.de
Mon Feb 8 12:19:09 CET 2010

Hi Masi,

Martin Kutschker schrieb:
> Steffen Kamper schrieb:
>> Ahrgg -
>> setting $GLOBALS['TCA']['sys_filemounts']['ctrl']['sortby'] = 'title';
>> TYPO3 overwrites all titles with integers from sorting when creating a
>> new record. Is this a bug or by design? 
> This is by design. To quote the docs:
> "The field [sortby] will contain an integer value which positions it at the correct position between
> other records from the same table on the current page."
> Use "default_sortby" to sort automatically by title etc.

thanks, i thought so after reading the code. Indeed the wording is 
misleading, it would be clear if we would have
[sortingField] instead [sortby]
[orderBy] instead [default_sortby]

but it's too late for such change :)

vg Steffen

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