[TYPO3-core] FYI: #13448: typo in BE cache init section

Steffen Kamper ks at dislabs.de
Mon Feb 8 10:57:16 CET 2010


Christian Kuhn schrieb:
> Hey,
> Steffen Kamper wrote:
>> bad catch. $typo3CacheFactory is the later used 
>> $GLOBALS['typo3CacheFactory'] which is not obvious reading init.php, 
>> and it's a Singleton, so no unset needed.
>> Reverted the Follow-up in trunk rev 6883 and 4_3 rev 6884
> Thanks for taking care. I was just digging into this, too, but it 
> doesn't fatal for me (yep. using caching framework), and I must admit 
> that I don't exactly understand what happens there. Why can we unset the 
> factory without problems then, it's a singleton as well?

i have to admit that i didn't found the place where $typo3CacheFactory 
gets $GLOBALS['typo3CacheFactory'] - the global is some kind of magic 
where i stumble often.
But indeed the init is done only in init.php and unsetting throws this 
fatal error in BE (for me too).
Don't know - bad by design or bad documented.

vg Steffen

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