[TYPO3-core] Reminder: 0001822: There is no API to list tables in theWeb->Page module

Franz Holzinger franz at ttproducts.de
Mon Feb 8 08:20:02 CET 2010

Hello Steffen,

> Franz Holzinger schrieb:
>> Steffen Kamper a écrit :
>>> Hi,
>>> oh what an old issue :)
>>> Let's get it solved. +1 by reading and testing.
>>> I renewed the patch and only changed the example to be more general.
>>> I also attached an extension which shows this feature (or is it a 
>>> bugfix?) with fe_users records. Very useful!
>>> vg Steffen
>> Hello Steffen,
>> thank you very much for looking on this issue.
>> Please have also a look on the extension patch1822. I will make a new 
>> upload of it into TER in a few minutes. I hope you can also integrate 
>> the most latest improvements.
> what do you mean? I looked to the extension and it's the same code as 
> the patch.
I have made some more improvements which are integrated in the extension 
patch1822. I have added the patch to the latest trunk here.

3 more points:
- If you are not an English speaker and if there are translations for a 
table, then you might want to get listed the records in your language 
instead of English. Or you want to have other fields shown in the 
backend. E.g. if you have installed static_info_tables_de then you want 
to have listed the German names for countries instead of the English 
country names. This feature is at the moment under development.
- If you have static tables, then the page id is 0. However it should 
still be possible to list also the static countries, languages. This is 
needed for static_info_tables.
- see the manual of patch1822. You should add this also.

> I will commit this patch today as there are enough votes.

Thanks. Please add also the latest additions.



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