[TYPO3-core] RFC: #15589: Move debug functions to own utility class

Ernesto Baschny [cron IT] ernst at cron-it.de
Mon Aug 30 16:42:40 CEST 2010

François Suter schrieb am 30.08.2010 13:24:

>> I think this should be handled by init.php, Francois is doing a
>> refactor, but i don't know the state of this.
> No action at the moment and probably none in the near future (I'm very
> busy ahead of T3CON10). So make any changes that you need to init.php,
> it won't be interfering with any ongoing work.

According to this nice chart which Francois did during the T3DD, the
init.php process is as follows:


The autoloading stuff is loaded in config_default, which happens very
early stage (page 2). This is also where the "function debug" is defined.

So there should be no problem to access the new class using the autoloader.


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