[TYPO3-core] RFC: #15573: Disable deprecation log in config_default

Reinhard Führicht rf at typoheads.at
Fri Aug 27 11:54:40 CEST 2010

Am 2010-08-27 11:17, schrieb Georg Ringer:
> Am 27.08.2010 10:57, schrieb Reinhard Führicht:
>> Solution:
>> Disable deprecation log in default config
> -1 as the deprecation log got a very important reason. If it is
> disabled, nobody will ever notice that some functions won't be there in
> one of the next versions. This will lead to nonworking websites and ugly
> errors which is far more dangerous than some big files.
> Even a developer who cares won't notice on a current website that some
> functions are deprecated if the deprecation log is disabled as there are
> just too many extensions and code lines.
> Georg

Hi Georg,

what can someone do about this deprecation log messages?

- If it is a third party extension one can try to contact the author. 
You know yourself how difficult this is sometimes to reach someone and 
to make him fix something.

- If it is your own extension you probably know how to use a devlog 
extension and it would be more convenient to do deprecation logging there.

Normal users may not even be aware of the fact that a deprecation log 
exists because they never even had a look at the "typo3conf" folder. 
Editors and site admins doing extension stuff and configuration in the 
backend only, will notice the deprecation log at the moment when their 
webspace quota is full.

The are also deprecation warnings in PHP and competent developers may 
know about which functions to use. If they don't they will have to face 
the fact, that PHP will die with a fatal error. So what?

It is always a risk when using third party extensions. They could 
contain errors or be a security risk. And everyone knows that.
The same goes for TypoScript. I you write wrong things, there can be an 
error. So what?

Who needs a deprecation log file consuming an unlimited amount of 
webspace? I really don't understand it?

But what about limiting the space consumption of this file? Maybe allow 
only 200 entries in the file itself so that it stays rather small. Would 
that be a solution?


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