[TYPO3-core] RFC #15551: Feature: [IRRE] Open all childrecords when opening parent records

Sebastian Fischer typo3 at fischer.im
Wed Aug 25 12:31:15 CEST 2010


This is an SVN patch request.

Type: New feature

Bugtracker reference:

Branches: 4.3, 4.4, trunk

It is desireable to have all child records unfolded when editing the 
parent record.

An appearance parameter collapseNone would give every item the flag 
isExpanded which will open the item.

How to Reproduce:
1) Apply the class.t3lib_tceforms_inline.diff
2) Insert in the parent records TCA the appearance setting

'appearance' => array(
	'collapseNone' => true,

Dokumentation change:
doc_core_api: $TCA array reference, ['columns'][fieldname]['config'] / 
TYPE: "inline", appearance, new property after collapseAll

Property: collapseNone
Data type: boolean
Description: If true, all child records are displayed.
Default: 0

Kind regards,
Sebastian Fischer
typo3 at evoweb.de
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