[TYPO3-core] RFC #10011: New feature: TypoScript Condition to check for installed extensions

Franz Holzinger franz at ttproducts.de
Fri Apr 23 08:44:50 CEST 2010

Steffen Ritter a écrit :
> Has there be any agree after the discussion?
> @Franz: Should this one be dropped?


I have added an extension patch10011 into TYPO3 TER. There you can check 
for an installed version of an extension. And I have now also added a 
hook which extends the userFunc TypoScript condition, in order you can 
write the object's name and the method's name. You do not need to put 
the function any more into the file typo3conf/localconf.php, but you can 
have the method inside of an extension.
E.g with tt_products you can use

[userFunc = tx_ttproducts_match_condition->checkShipping(delivery, 
country_code) = NLD]
This would check, if the selected Country of the shipping address is the 

And you are not forced to name the method user_... or tx_ ... .
The code works under TYPO3 4.3 and 4.4.

  - Franz

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