[TYPO3-core] RFC #3996: Bug: Constant Editor - Default Image Width [styles.content.imgtext.linkWrap.width] - wrong description

wired-up.de - Herzog, Martin m.herzog at wired-up.de
Tue Apr 20 10:19:47 CEST 2010

This is an SVN patch request.

Type: Bugfix

Bugtracker references:

TYPO3_4-3 & Trunk
(generally all Typo3 versions from 3.9 on have this flaw, but since it's a minor cosmetic one, patching 4.3 & trunk will do.)

The description for the Constant "Default Image Width - [styles.content.imgtext.linkWrap.width]" refers to the "default number of pixels (width) a block of images inserted as content will consume, if the user didn't specify otherwise in the content object."
This is wrong: the setting specifies the width of the image that will be opened in a new window when an image with the "Click-enlarge" option enabled is clicked on.

Patches are attached to change the constant description in "constants.txt".
All of the constants.txt file versions will be patched, including those in the legacy settings' subfolders ("/v4.3", "/v4.2" and so forth).

My first email to the list. Hope everything's up to the standards... :-)

Kind regards,
Martin Herzog

wired-up.de cms design

Martin Herzog      | Tel.: +49 (6224) 9271960
Paul-Lincke-Weg 10 | Mail: m.herzog at wired-up.de
69181 Leimen       | Web: http://www.wired-up.de
Deutschland        | USt-ID: DE246211117

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