[TYPO3-core] RFC: Bug #14113: IRRE takes 100000 as default for TCA maxitems but it should be 1

Francois Suter fsu-lists at cobweb.ch
Thu Apr 15 21:22:43 CEST 2010


> Ehrm. What's next? Any suggestions from other developers?

This "maxitems" thing has always bothered me. I've always found it 
ridiculous to set this to some absurdly high value to fake an unlimited 
number of relations. IMO it would make much more sense to be able to 
leave that parameter out of the configuration entirely (or maybe set it 
to 0), meaning that there's no upper limit.

I know this reflection is not strictly related to the current issue, but 
I would find this an excellent opportunity to fix what I consider 
basically to be a design flaw. I don't know what would exactly be the 
impact, though. I guess we would have the problem the other way round, 
in that it would break existing "select" and "group" which expected to 
have 1 by default.

Any opinions on this?



Francois Suter
Cobweb Development Sarl - http://www.cobweb.ch

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