[TYPO3-core] RFC: #13982: Feature: Renewal of the taskcenter

Georg Ringer news at ringerge.org
Tue Apr 13 14:44:09 CEST 2010

Am 13.04.2010 14:28, schrieb Steffen Kamper:
> 1) created action with news list, no result though there are records. No
> message if there are no records found

can you please send a dump of your sys_actions?

> 2) background isn't there when sysaction called from menu

should indicate an active action

> 3) description should be hidable, i suggest using user settings

I would suggest to find a different and shorter text

> 4) arrow before sysaction record implies a collapse action but's not.
> Use other bullet or omit

it was in the design of Jens ... could it be possible to change that
later on?

> 1) worse is i don't see my action result, why?

don't know yet :/ will look into your dump

> 2) there is a toolbar menu with the actions, when i click on the action
> isn't displayed

what you mean?

> 3) impexp got new hooks, you have the old one

will look into it

> 4) what'S about sys_notes? it's also a sysext and is part of this bundle

are you sure? IMO this has nothing to do with taskcenter. maybe you mean


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