[TYPO3-core] RFC #11433: touch(): Utime failed in install tool

Steffen Gebert steffen at steffen-gebert.de
Tue Sep 29 15:40:22 CEST 2009


> But the fix is not correct, because checking for "is_writeable" is not
> really interesting for touching a file. You can only touch a file that
> you own (or if you are root), so even if the file is "world writeable"
> it is still not toucheable if it is owned by root (or by the FTP user).

Um.. at least not here on MacOS. File is successful touched by the web  
server user, as soon as he has write permissions.

>> So the most simply solution would be to ignore the warning with "@".
Yes, just let's go with this solution (attached)

> if (!@touch($path)) {
>  // notify user, log, raise hell - umh - exception, etc
> }

I'm not sure, if we need any notification at all:

> If the file is older than 1 hour TYPO3 has automatically
> deleted it, so it needs to be created again.

So we're doing only what the user should expect.

Prolongation of the validity is described nowhere to the common admin, I  

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