[TYPO3-core] RFC #12189: Add API functions for cleaning and flushing output buffers

Rupert Germann rupi at gmx.li
Wed Oct 21 23:40:56 CEST 2009

FYI: committed to trunk rev 6225


Rupert Germann schrieb:
> Hi,
> this is a SVN patch request.
> Type: last minute API improvement
> Bugtracker references:
> http://bugs.typo3.org/view.php?id=12189
> Branches: Trunk
> Problem:
> TYPO3 provides no generic way to clean or flush the php output 
> buffering. A single ob_end_clean() might fail if there are nested output 
> buffers.
> Solution:
> introduce 2 new functions:
> t3lib_div::cleanOutputBuffers() and
> t3lib_div::flushOutputBuffers()
> Info:
> this problem also exists in older branches.
> Question: Should we add the new functions also to the older versions?
> alternative would be to add the multilevel ob_cleaning to all needed 
> places by hand.
> greets
> rupert

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