[TYPO3-core] FYI: Updated Extbase and Fluid to 0.9.12

Sebastian Kurfürst sebastian at typo3.org
Fri Nov 6 06:09:43 CET 2009

Hey everybody,

we again raised Extbase and Fluid to 0.9.12. Below is the text for the
beta3 announcement, and even further below is the list of all changes.


-- Announcement --

Between beta2 and beta3, we have been working on many details, further
improving many parts of Extbase and Fluid.
Extbase now supports sorted records, multivalued operands (corresponding
to MySQL IN (…) queries), counting of results and has support for IRRE.
Additionally, the configuration management has been cleaned up, imposing
a breaking change if you used FlexForm configuration with extbase so
far. See <link http://forge.typo3.org/issues/show/3348>the issue</link>
for more details.
In Fluid, there have been many fixes for the Inline ViewHelper Syntax
introduced in beta2. Many ViewHelpers do now work nicely together with
this syntax, including the if-ViewHelper and all Format ViewHelpers.
Additionally, we have adjusted the parser so that all strings are parsed
as fluid syntax.
See a full <link
http://forge.typo3.org/wiki/typo3v4-mvc/Breaking_Changes>list of
breaking changes</link>, and if there is any problem, please report it
to <link http://forge.typo3.org/projects/typo3v4-mvc/issues>the issue
tracker on forge</link> or post to the typo3.projects.typo3v3mvc newsgroup.
Thanks to everybody who is using Extbase/Fluid and supported us via
testing, bug reports, patches or shared their knowledge on the mailing list!

-- Full list of changes in Extbase --

[+BUGFIX] Extbase (Dispatcher): Fixed a regression which was introduced
in #4833, preventing backend modules to work. Relates to #4833
[+BUGFIX] Extbase (Domain): Fixed a spelling error in the
FrontendUserGroup Domain Model. Resolves #5210.
[+FEATURE] Extbase: Made current CObject data available in controller &
view helpers. Now you can access data of the current cObj with
$this->request->getContentObjectData(). Resolves #4833
[!!!][+FEATURE] Extbase (Configuration): Made it possible to override
controller and action from FlexForm by defining a FlexForm field
"switchableControllerActions" which is a semicolon-separated list of
Controller->Action combinations. Also, all flexform values are merged on
top of the framework configuration. This change is not
backwards-compatible in case you used FlexForm settings. Before this
change, a flexform setting "foo" has  been merged onto "settings.foo".
Now, the flexform setting needs to be called "settings.foo" to be merged
correctly into the settings (note the prefixing). This enables to
override ALL TypoScript configuration from FlexForms, not just extension
specific settings. Resolves #3348.
[+FEATURE] Extbase (Persistence): Implemented support for multiple
valued static operands. Resolves #5154.
[~TASK] Extbase (Persistence): Added count() to the QueryInterface.
Related to #4991.
[+FEATURE] Extbase (Persistence): Implemented Query::count()
supplementary to Query::execute(). Resolves #4991.
[+BUGFIX] Extbase (Persistence): Fixed typo in Exception class.
[-TASK] Extbase (Persistence): Removed implementation of ArrayObject
from Tx_Extbase_Persistence_RowInterface. You have to say
$row->getValue('foo') instead of $row['foo'] now. This was necessary to
get in sync with FLOW3 again.
[+BUGFIX] Extbase (Persistence): The Storage Backend invokes
t3lib_db::admin_get_fields() now to determine wether a 'pid' column
exists or not. Resolves #5124.
[~TASK] Extbase (Documentation): Removed API and Manual directory as
they are obsolete. Now, linking to doc_extbase
[+BUGFIX] Extbase (Persistence): Implemented support for mm-relations
configured with IRRE. Resolves #5062.
[+BUGFIX] Extbase (Persistence): Revised patch from Steffen Ritter.
Resolves #4470.
[+FEATURE] Extbase (Utility): Localization Helper now supports sprintf
format strings and an optional array argument. Most of this patch has
been provided by Bastian. Relates to #4858. Resolves #5003
[+FEATURE] Fluid (Utility): Translation ViewHelper now supports sprintf
format strings and an optional array argument. Relates to #5003
[~TASK] Viewhelpertest: Adjusted examples for f:translate. Relates to #5003
[+BUGFIX] Extbase (Persistence): Added a missing hasPIDColumn check.
Resolves #4979.
[+BUGFIX] Extbase (Persistence): Now, the sorting of relations is
evaluated as well. Patch is from Steffen Ritter. @Jochen: Please
cross-check! Relates to #4470.
[+BUGFIX] Extbase (Dispatcher): Resolved a bug where the reflection
service is not initialized correctly. This prevented two plugins from
appearing on the same page. Patch is from Jochen, and has been confirmed
to work by Steffen Ritter and Xavier Perseguers. Thanks everybody!
* Adding API annotations to classes
[-TASK] Exbase (Persistence): Removed option deleteChildObjects.
[+BUGFIX] Extbase (MVC): The dataTypeClassSchema is now set again when
datatype changes.
[~TASK] Extbase (Persistence): Refactored DataMap and added som unit tests.

-- Full list of changes in Fluid --

[+BUGFIX] Fluid (Core): Validation of ViewHelper arguments is
non-mandatory now, as there is no validator for each domain object / we
do not always want to call it. Resolves #5108.
[+BUGFIX] Fluid (Core): Shorthand Syntax of ViewHelpers can now use
longer namespace prefixes than one character. Resolves #5107.
[~TASK] Fluid: Added @package and @subpackage annotations.
* Adding @api annotations
* Changed the fluid-specific RuntimeException to SPL's RuntimeException.
[~TASK] Fluid (ViewHelpers): Added some checks to make form view helper
usable without the surrounding f:form tag. This resolves #3985
(backported from v5)
[+BUGFIX] Fluid: register universal tag attributes in link.email view
helper. This resolves #5069.
[+TASK] Fluid: added some standard tag attributes to link.email,
link.action and link.external view helpers (backported from v5)
[!!!][+BUGFIX] Fluid (ViewHelpers): FIxed the Resource ViewHelper to be
in sync with FLOW3 again. This means that instead of writing
<f:uri.resource>...</f:uri.resource>, you write <f:uri.resource
path="..." /> or {f:uri.resource(path:'...')}. Resolves #5237.
[+BUGFIX] Fluid (Core): Now, the inline notation also works if spaces
are before and after ->. This makes it a lot more error-tolerant.
[~TASK] Fluid: Backported the recent changes in v5, which are some
additional non-functional checks, a new exception hierarchy and updated
[TASK] Fluid (ViewHelpers): Comment Fixes
[+FEATURE] Fluid (ViewHelpers): extended cObject viewhelper by an
additional "data" argument. Now you can write
{f:cObject(typoscriptObjectPath: 'lib.someCObject', data: someObject)}
in your templates. This change is backwards compatible! Relates to #5150
[+FEATURE] Fluid (ViewHelpers): extended translate viewhelper by an
additional "default" argument. Now you can write {f:translate(key:
'someLocallangKey', default: 'some fallback')} in your templates. This
change is backwards compatible! Relates to #5150
[!!!][+FEATURE] Fluid: Strings inside Arrays and the inline notation are
now parsed by Fluid as well. This enables things like {fullName:
'{firstName} {lastName}'} - thus, everything can be nested inside arrays
and the ViewHelper inline notation arguments. This is a breaking change
in case you used literal {...} inside your arguments, but not else.
Relates to #5118.
[+FEATURE] Fluid (ViewHelpers): extended format.date viewhelper by an
additional "date" argument. Now you can write {f:format.date(date:
'yesterday')} in your templates. This change is backwards compatible!
Relates to #5150
[+FEATURE] Fluid (ViewHelpers): extended if viewhelper by arguments
"then" and "else". Now you can write {f:if(condition: 1, then: 'yes',
else: 'no'} in your templates. This change is backwards compatible!
Relates to #5150
[~TASK] Fluid (Core): added check for reserved keywords to
TemplateVariableContainer. This relates to #5158
[~TASK] Fluid (Tests): moved and renamed VariableContainerTest
~TASK] Fluid (Core): Changed method names (handler_*) in TemplateParser,
resolves #5135.
[~TASK] Fluid (Tests): Cleanup to comments and "framework code",
resolves #5136.
[+FEATURE] Extbase (Utility): Localization Helper now supports sprintf
format strings and an optional array argument. Most of this patch has
been provided by Bastian. Relates to #4858. Resolves #5003
[+FEATURE] Fluid (Utility): Translation ViewHelper now supports sprintf
format strings and an optional array argument. Relates to #5003
[~TASK] Viewhelpertest: Adjusted examples for f:translate. Relates to #5003

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