[TYPO3-core] RFC #12429: Method "t3lib_tstemplate::procesIncludes" has misspelled "proces"

Bernhard Kraft kraftb at kraftb.at
Tue Nov 3 20:46:19 CET 2009

Xavier Perseguers schrieb:

>> At least this is what it does, it replaces all occurences of the
>> <INCLUDE_TYPOSCRIPT ...> tag in those array.
> BTW, I figured out today that INCLUDE does not work for Constants. When
> I read your description, it seems that it should work. Is it a known issue?

You have to take care, there is an empty line (only newline?) before AND after
the <INCLUDE_TYPOSCRIPT sourc="..."> tag.

The parser is very pedantic about this. Probably the regex matching the <INCLUDE_TYPOSCRIPT ...>
should get optimized.


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