No subject

Sun May 17 00:05:05 CEST 2009

- What are those templavoila tags used for?:


- In your tslib_content patch there are some cleanup places like the
following, which make it a bit harder to review the functional ones (but
it's ok I think):

-		$content='';
+		$content='';

- Isn't that the same as else if?:
+	} else {
+  	if (isset($value['mmParamSet'])) { [...] } }

- And a point not really relevant for this patch, but to be perhaps
generally discussed on dev list later. How to make error messages look
the same and able to be styled?:

return '<p style="background-color: yellow;">' .
$GLOBALS['TSFE']->sL('LLL:EXT:cms/locallang_ttc.xml:media.noFile', true)
. '</p>';

- Nitpicking: I personally dislike multiple "ifs" in short notation in
one line, as they are - for me - harder to understand. For example:

$flashvars = 'var flashvars = {' . ($flashvars ? (substr($flashvars, -1)
== ',' ? substr(trim($flashvars), 0, -1) : $flashvars) : '') . '};';

- This looks like it can't work (as you set layout and use
alternativeContent in it, before alternativeContent is set) function
+ $layout = str_replace('###SWFOBJECT###', '<div id="' .
$replaceElemIdStr . '">' . $alternativeContent . '</div>', $layout);
+ $alternativeContent = $this->stdWrap($conf['alternativeContent'],

- Why do you use different ways to set $layout in SWFOBJECT and
QTOBJECT? Shouldn't you use the way in QTOBJECT in SWFOBJECT, too?

Sorry for this rather long mail, only the last two things are really
relevant ;) If you answer those two (and perhaps add swf and wmv to
fileExtHandler by default): +1 by reading and testing.



Susanne Moog

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