[TYPO3-core] RFC: #3527: Bug: Wrongly encoded characters in mail form validation popup

Ernesto Baschny [cron IT] ernst at cron-it.de
Fri May 29 15:54:14 CEST 2009

Francois Suter wrote: on 29.05.2009 09:15:

>>>> Will IMHO work now for all charsets in modern browsers.
>>> Great. Are you planning a formal review?
>> +1 from reading
> Great, so now all we need is a +1 on reading and testing by anyone. It
> would be good if some people could test this fix with different encodings.

Francois, thanks for insisting on that pretty "old" but irritating
issue. I just tested in these combinations:

1) forceCharset = utf-8
2) no force, german language (iso-8859-1)

Having a field with Umlauts in its name. Without your patch it only
looks ok in latin-1. With your patch it looks good in both combinations.

Tested unter IE6, FF3 and Safari3.

So I was about to give a +1, but then I decided to also test with russian:

1) no force, with a russien (win-1251) BE, and a TypoScript setup like this:

config {
	htmlTag_langKey = ru
	language = ru
	locale_all = ru_RU
	metaCharset = windows-1251
	renderCharset = windows-1251

Copyed some cyrill text from http://www.kremlin.ru/ into a field name in
a form. Result is ok

2) now with forceCharset=utf-8 and removing the charset settings in
TypoScript. Something changes with the patch applied, but it isn't
really good also. See attached screenshots. :(

So while this seems to solve the problem unter utf-8 when using
latin-1-like characters, it is still broken with utf-8 and cyrill
characters. :(


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